Join the Conversation with Talking Politics
Be a Part of the Conservative Policy Forum
Our "Talking Politics" events are an integral part of the Conservative Policy Forum (CPF), offering a unique and free opportunity for all paid-up members to engage in meaningful discussions about both national and local issues. These events are your chance to voice your opinions, share your concerns, and influence the future direction of our policies.
How It Works
- Engage in Dialogue: Participate in lively discussions where your views on current national and local issues are heard and valued.
- Impact Policy: The insights and opinions shared during our meetings are compiled into a report and sent directly to Central Office, ensuring that your voice reaches the relevant Ministers.
- Stay Informed: We are committed to transparency and will send copies of the report to all members who attend, keeping you updated on how your input is making a difference.
Upcoming Events
We are excited to announce that we will be holding these events across the Constituency throughout the coming year. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to meet fellow members, engage in policy discussions, and contribute to the future of our community and country.
Get Involved
If you would like to learn more about "Talking Politics" or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. Your participation is invaluable, and we look forward to welcoming you to our next event.
Together, let's shape the future of Mid Sussex and beyond. Join the conversation with Talking Politics!